Vanlife Part 2 - Scotland to Cornwall

Vanlife Part 2 - Scotland to Cornwall

Time out for Family...............

October ended up being a very busy month indeed, more designs added to our collections, we also dipped our toes into creating a Children's Journal and publishing it on Amazon and then i spent just over a week down in my home county of Cornwall visiting family.

Cornwall is one of the most beautiful places in the country in my opinion, i may be biased though as that's where i come from. But this time i got to see it in a whole new way, from the air with my new drone. On the way down the M5 i had a very early start one morning and as i was heading into a glorious sunrise i decided to pull off of the motorway at the next junction and see if there was a suitable place where i could put the drone up to capture it. 

Luckily there was the perfect spot, right next to a tiny river that was shrouded in mist with the sun rays beaming through. I put the little aircraft up and managed to capture a couple of stunning photographs and also the short video below, a perfect way to start the day i thought, bacon roll in one hand and capturing this stunning footage at the same time. 


After i'd packed everything back into the van i headed back down south on the M5 towards Cornwall. The roads were great and pretty clear all the way down and i only had to stop once (for the obligatory Cornish Pasty) before reaching my brothers house, near Portreath.

It was a fantastic week full of family time, seeing everyone i could (most of my family are located within a 40 mile radius) so it was easy to get around and see every one. My brother was ace in doing some much needed work to the van so she's back to running perfectly pretty much. 

I spent a few days while the weather was good getting the drone up as much as i could and one of my favourite pictures from the trip was captured just offshore looking back at Godrevy Lighthouse at one end of Gwithian sands beach on the North Coast, hope you like it.....


It's always important to make time for family and to visit whenever you can, especially if they are far away......


Until next time, take it easy.........



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